How difficult is it for a mechanical engineer to switch to software Engineer?


Mechanical Engineers, I am the author of the Mechanical program on this blog discussing the question in all Mechanical Engineer concepts how difficult it is for a Mechanical Engineer to switch to a software developer to get the right answer to this question on this blog and get more clear answer

    The above question have a simple answer that is it is very easy to translate your journey from Mechanical Engineer to software engineer just need the hard work and the main important thing is of course study and study there is no way to bypass that study route 

You need to learn a few basic areas and a few advance. Basic would need 


Familiar with Windows and Linux operating system 

Database RDBMS

Coding languages(Advance Knowledge In Minimum One Language)




Javascript etc.

      4. One front end development language

      5. Some basic concepts of networking 

      6. Software Testing

Future Trending Area:-

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Big Data
  • Deep Learning

How Much Duration Needed?

Duration depends on how much time you need to learn all this. I would suggest joining some institute to learn it fast and in a structured way. You will also mingle with others and do some group study. They keep testing your skills via exam and you come to know where you stand in your class they also teach you the interview skills and give you campus opportunity. Don't try to do self-study it will take a longer time and you may end up using difficult books.

        To be direct, it is not difficult but needs a lot of effort, dedication, and patience. You want to catch up on what is learned over 4 years of BE comp course in a short duration.